Origami Convention in New York in 2013


Photos from: http://www.origamispirit.com/2013/06/origami-convention-in-new-york-city-2013/

Something harder

Well after my adventures with cranes and frogs I decided to go for a cat. But not one of those easy ones- nononononooo. Typically for me I searched for something more effective.

I found this cat on one of the DeviontArt blogs:

Source: orestigami.deviantart.com

And as the author got this from a book I found it and in two hours’ time (I almost gave up in the end) I got something that looks more like… Well let’s say it looks like a cat but it is definitely not good enough to be shown here. Anyways here you have the instructions and the link to this book:
1 2 3 4 5

Source: http://pl.scribd.com/doc/62346366/Origami-Tanteidan-Convention-v14

Origami frog

Yesterday I spent some time to try out new origami tutorials and I went for a frog. You can do it in many ways but I wanted to do the two basic ones.

Like this one:


Instructions here: http://www.frogsonice.com/froggy/origami/

And the more effective one:


Source: http://arts-crafts-primary.blogspot.com/2012/06/origami-jumping-frog.html

Step by step tutorial here:


Hope you enjoy it!

After Origami base I: flapping Crane

The first Origami I did was a crane. I choose it simply because it’s the most popular and probably easier one.


You start with  Preliminary fold  base and fold it into  Bird base, both of which you can find  in  post here: https://doitysftutorials.wordpress.com/2014/01/21/folding-origami-base/ The best movie tutorial with the instructions how to fold the base here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpwnHpXUuow I’m not really into YouTube tutorials because I prefer music while I’m working and I don’t know why it’s just easier for me to come back where I got lost when I do it with pictures:) If you got the same, here is the best tutorial picture I found for the crane. (Sorry for the language but the notes aren’t really needed if you look at the picture)


9-1 (1)

Folding Origami- Base.

You  need a base to every type of origami. I decided to start origami lessons for  this blog only so basically I start with Y’all.

Choose between:


Cupboard base 
Zgięcie do wewnątrz

Kite base (ice-cream)
Zgięcie do wewnątrz

Fish base
Zgięcie do wewnątrz

Blintz base
Zgięcie do wewnątrz

Windmill base

Zgięcie do wewnątrz

Waterbomb base
Zgięcie do wewnątrz

Preliminary fold
Zgięcie do wewnątrz
Bird base  (You start with Preliminary fold  base)
Zgięcie do wewnątrz

Frog base  (Here also start with Preliminary fold )
Zgięcie do wewnątrz


Source: http://www.origami.art.pl/zasady/bazy


Everything you need to know before you start making hand-made notebooks.

I managed to find quick movie that will show shortly all the process of making of the notebook. It’s a short film not a tutorial but sth that can help you realize that sometimes it takes a lot of effort to make a notebook and you shouldn’t give up just because it takes time. It should give you general image of what will you be doing.
+ you can basically watch it with your music on 🙂

Tools needed:

  • A bookbinders needle. You can use any large needle really. But you’ll want it larger than a sewing needle.
  • Beeswax. While not absolutely necessary it does help with the threading of the signatures.
  • A bookbinders awl. Some alternatives: a large needle inserted into a clutch pencil, an old drafting compass needle, an ice pick. Whatever you use you don’t want the holes to be too large because it makes for slop in the pages.
  • Traditional bookbinder glue, cooked flour paste, wallpaper paste, white elmers glue, PVA, Aleene’s Tacky Glue etc.
  • Xacto knife (and a good surface to cut your paper, i.e. self healing mat, Borco, cardboard, etc.)
  • Ruler
  • T-square and triangle or some other way to square your cuts
  • Heavy books. If you’re really into making your notebooks you could invest in a book press or make your own. (more about that later)
  • Pencil
  • Bone folder or some really strong fingernails
  • Binder clips

About sewing:

I was looking for the best written instructions of sewing step by step and I that one is the best:


And if you prefer watching, the movie tutorial:

Those are instructions for particular notebooks but as you will see some tutorials later it defers in some cases. What I give you is the base.


That also various and some notebooks will be just glued (without sewing the pages) but in most tutorials you put about 2-3 layers of glue to stick the pages.

You shall need sth to weight the glued pages and for those more interested in notebook craft a tutorial about how no make your own book press. Good tutorial about how to make one here:

Covering: Hard covers, paper covers, leathers- about all that later in the posts about particular types of notebooks 🙂

Hope that the post didn’t put you off making DIY notebook and we’ll see each other very soon:)